Stretches to do while watching Netflix
Are you the type that knows that you should stretch, but just can't seem to find the time?
What better time to stretch than while binge watching Netflix (or watching television in general)?!
Well you're in luck!
I've compiled my favorite 4 stretches to do while watching Netflix - all without having to take your eyes off of the TV, of course! :) Check it out & comment below with some of your favorite stretches that you can do while watching Netflix!
1) Couch Stretch – Targets hip flexors & quadriceps
*I strongly recommend using a couch (hence the name) or bench to do this stretch vs completing it up against a wall, as the objective is to isolate your quads/hip flexors - not your ankle plantar flexion. For optimal results, alternate squeezing the glute of your back leg for 5 seconds, followed by relaxing for 5 seconds throughout the duration of the stretch.
2) Standing Pigeon Stretch – Targets glutes & hips
*Keep the shin of your front leg parallel to the elevated surface (your knee should stay at approximately 90 degrees of flexion), and your back leg as far back as you can while keeping your back knee straight. Keeping your head & chest tall, gently lean forward from your hips (don't round your back). If you're doing it correctly, you should feel a strong stretch in your glutes/lateral hip region with this bad boy.
3) Prone Twist Chest Opener – Targets pecs, anterior deltoid, biceps, spinal rotation
*Initiate this stretch by lying on your stomach with your arms out in a "T" position. Slowly roll back to one side, creating a gentle stretch in the anterior aspect of your shoulder & throughout your spine.
4) Cobra Stretch / Upward Facing Dog – Targets the core & hip flexors
*For cobra, lift chest, keep elbows bent & thighs on the ground. For upward facing dog, slowly extend your elbows all the way & keeping your knees straight, lift your thighs slightly off of the ground - just ask any yogi. :)
Flexibly yours,
Lindsay Sudell, CFST-2, MOT, OTR/L, CPT, CFL1